This is a small representation of my collection – but, it represents what I use most.  More photos on the way.

My “main” collection of timpani mallets

My “main” collection of timpani mallets

Grover Artist Choice

Grover Artist Choice

Tim Miller mallets - he no longer makes mallets and these are some of my fav’s. He custom made these for me

Tim Miller mallets – he no longer makes mallets and these are some of my fav’s. He custom made these for me

Amy Putnam mallets

Amy Putnam mallets

Andrew Feldman mallets - custom made for me - the pair in the middle have a cork core.

Andrew Feldman mallets – custom made for me – the pair in the middle have a cork core.

Close up of the Andrew Feldman mallets

Close up of the Andrew Feldman mallets

Clevelander mallets

Clevelander mallets

wood sticks - an old pair of Firth’s and a pair of Rabbio’s

wood sticks – an old pair of Firth’s and a pair of Rabbio’s

timpani mutes

timpani mutes

Freer timpani stick case

Freer timpani stick case

The case was made by a former student of mine.

The case was made by a former student of mine.

RAM Percussion beaters - made from brass to get extra articulation. I use them for fast notes, Mozart Abduction they work very well for

RAM Percussion beaters – made from brass to get extra articulation. I use them for fast notes, Mozart Abduction they work very well for

A gentleman in St. Louis made these for me - I can’t remember his name for the life of me. If anyone knows his name, please email it to me. Love the shape of these - I can get so many colors

A gentleman in St. Louis made these for me – I can’t remember his name for the life of me. If anyone knows his name, please email it to me. Love the shape of these – I can get so many colors

St. Louis beaters

St. Louis beaters

Brian Stotz beaters - great sounds, especially the triangle shaped beater. I use this at the end of Stravinsky Firebird, Forte to Piano is no problem. Anything with fast dynamic shifts

Brian Stotz beaters – great sounds, especially the triangle shaped beater. I use this at the end of Stravinsky Firebird, Forte to Piano is no problem. Anything with fast dynamic shifts

Various thin beaters - some made from coat hangers

Various thin beaters – some made from coat hangers

Suspended cymbal mallets - Dinesh Joseph (Buffalo Philharmonic) made these for me. Excellent sound

Suspended cymbal mallets – Dinesh Joseph (Buffalo Philharmonic) made these for me. Excellent sound

Chime beaters - Grover and a hardware store beater

Chime beaters – Grover and a hardware store beater

Love the Grovers - I use the soft side for the beginning of Hindemith Symp Metamorphosis. The hard side is excellent too. I also have a few rawhide beaters, but I generally find this sound to be very dull

Love the Grovers – I use the soft side for the beginning of Hindemith Symp Metamorphosis. The hard side is excellent too. I also have a few rawhide beaters, but I generally find this sound to be very dull

Triangle Beaters. A full set of custom Stoessel beaters (the “custom” being tubing on the handle part). Plus, other various beaters. See next photos for the “other” beaters. I use the Stoessel for most playing.

Triangle Beaters. A full set of custom Stoessel beaters (the “custom” being tubing on the handle part). Plus, other various beaters. See next photos for the “other” beaters. I use the Stoessel for most playing.